Dance Dome

Project Statment

This mobile app is designed with teens and young adults in mind who are interested in learning to dance or wanting to practice the harder steps. Dance Dome uses red as its primary color to give off an energetic vibe and get users excited. That excitement is also symbolized within the logo, as the shape of the letter ‘D’ has an exclamation point in it.

From the home page, a user can scroll through popular categories of different types of dances to choose from. Along the top of the page, a user’s progress is recorded to show the level of completion and mastery of chosen dances. The catalog section has a long list of dances. A search bar and sort button are present to quickly find specific dance forms. If a dance is selected, the user can watch a preview video to get a basic understanding of what it entails. Below the video is a list of multiple styles that belong to that type of dance. If one were to click on any of those options, they can watch a more specific preview video, play a game that involves that style, or go through tutorial sessions of varying difficulty. Within the videos, users have multiple ways to engage with the video for accessibility purposes. One can also stream the video onto their TV for a better viewing experience.


Dance Dome app appearing on Apple home screen.
Loading screen for Dance Dome app.
Login screen for Dance Dome app with Google Sign In button, Login button, and Sign Up button.
Dance Dome app home screen featuring user's progress and categories for different dances.
Dance Dome catalog screen showing a list of dance genres.
Breaking is a sub-genre of Hip-Hop. This screen showcases a preview video, a button to play a game, and tutorials.
When the Game button is pressed, the difficulty pop-up will be shown. User can choose Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert.
If user presses on one of the dropdown menus, the user can go through a list of tutorial videos.
When user clicks on tutorial, video player goes across the whole screen.
Icons used throughout the Dance Dome app.